Box Leagues

  • Matches are best of 3 sets. The 1st and 2nd sets are normal sets to 6 with a 7-point tie-break at 6-6. If the match reaches 1-set all, a 10-point tie-break should be played to decide the 3rd set.
  • Players are responsible for organising their own matches and sending the scores to the main coach by email
  • Any matches that have not been played will go down as a loss for both players.
  • You can opt out of the Box League at the end of any month. You can also re-enter at any time, however you will be placed in the box below the one you were in prior to opting out.
  • Boxes will be refreshed every 2 months. The players in 1st and 2nd place will move up a box, and the bottom 2 players will move down a box.